Intimate Glitch
Intimate Glitch
Intricate Glitch
Intimate Glitch
Intimate Witch
Intimate Glitch

The ongoing Intimate Glitch series lived rent-free in my mind for many, many years. My drive to create dimmed as I became a new parent and navigated the early years of raising my two magical kids. Then one day, I’m home alone and I’m sifting through the pages of some of my favorite vintage finds. I was looking at a book called Artist and Computer (which was about early computer graphics and animation from the late 80s, but I digress…) and I asked myself what I was waiting for? No one was holding me back from making art, but me.

This series helped me get back in touch with my inner child which tended to my inner artist. I made two commitments to myself: Trust your gut (especially when it comes to your taste) and remain curious (never stop asking ‘what if’).